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Tough Mobile Sprout (Grayscale) - by IcyAntoid

Tough Mobile Sprout (Grayscale)

Oh man, you should have seen me back then. I had it all: thick foliage, girlfronds, photosynthesis was very, very kind to me. Now I'm in my autumn years and in just a short while longer, where will I be then, huh?! Herded together with my peers and entombed in a bubbley thing. If only we could go back and do it all again, you know? I miss the spring in my step...

Other Submissions by IcyAntoid

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IcyAntoid Mook Senior
Too late I realized that the Mook Senior does not have a beam-type attack. Oh well. Here it is anyway.
12/5/12 0.00
IcyAntoid Mondo Mole
Ah heh, this was made for the Pick an Enemy/Draw an Enemy thread, only when I drew it, I neglected to see that the enemy had already been claimed by someone else. I was embarrassed for quite a while after that. So, I figured I'd submit it here instead.

Oh yes, it's tomato juice.
12/3/12 0.00
IcyAntoid Mighty Bear Seven
12/1/12 0.00
IcyAntoid Riding in the Clouds
It's slightly overcast, but hey, I think that makes the ride even more enjoyable, so long as the turbulence doesn't take that away.
11/29/12 0.00
IcyAntoid Mostly Bad Fly
11/25/12 0.00


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